
What happens when you life slaps you upside the head and says, "Wake UP!"

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Location: Westminster, Maryland, United States

I'm the mom and career woman who has always had a passion for writing

Sunday, March 19, 2006

A Sunny Sunday

So I've got Sheryl Crow singing RIVERWIDE and the sun is streaming through the slats in the blinds and Buddy is barking at the two gray squirrels in the backyard -- and life is good right now. I've got a hell of a lot of stuff to do around the house, but I'm working on my JAVA lesson and will soon go downstairs to check on the corned beef in the crock pot.

"What the hell do I care", you ask yourself as you read this (assuming anyone ever reads this blog anyway). Well, life gets boring sometimes, and the geeks sit at their computers staring at screen after screen of Internet junk. At some point someone might just pass by and take a minute to browse through a blog or two ...

Hold on ...

Bon Jovi is now singing WANTED DEAD OR ALIVE ...

Damn, I love iTunes ...

Sunday, March 12, 2006

Ah ... breathing space. I am single again. I should have stayed single after my husband of almost 15 years and I separated back in 2001. What an idiot I was back then -- thinking I needed a man in my life to feel complete. I latched onto a couple of men thinking I was in love with them -- in reality, I was in love with the idea of having a constant companion. What an idiot! And when I did find someone who supposedly wanted the same thing -- constant companionship -- I hated it! I needed my space; I needed alone time!

So what I am doing in 2006?

Proceeding with caution ...