
What happens when you life slaps you upside the head and says, "Wake UP!"

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Location: Westminster, Maryland, United States

I'm the mom and career woman who has always had a passion for writing

Saturday, April 04, 2009

I love a challenge!

I'm having a lot of fun with Writers Digest's Poem a Day celebrating National Poetry Month in April. You're given a writing prompt as the theme of the poem, and then you create your masterpiece. Three down, twenty-seven to go!

My son is having a party today for his friend who joined the Air Force and leaves for training on Tuesday. He's a great kid, and I'll be sorry to see him leave. He is one of my son's nicest friends, always smiling, always joking around. I hope for all the best for him.

I'm getting so excited about Spring. We had to cut the grass last weekend, flowers are starting to bloom, and the trees have buds. I love this time of year almost as much as I love Autumn. Allergies, of course, are a problem during Spring - but we all survive and move easily into doing all of the outside things we like to do.

Things are going well between Jamie and me. We seem to finally be settling into all of the "knowns" of each other - all of the weird little things (or maybe not so weird) that make us different. We're more accepting of our little quirks and habits - the things it really takes time to get to know. Ain't love grand?

One last thing - I love Twitter. It's like instant news from all the people you are following there. I was happy to see my favorite author, Chris Bohjalian, on Twitter. If it hadn't been posted there, I wouldn't have known he was doing an hour-long show on NCPR, which I was able to listen to via iTunes. It's always interesting to me to hear how an author came up with his/her idea for a story, how they created their characters, and how they feel about those characters. Chris had visited our facility a couple of years ago and spoke about his book, The Double Bind. What a wonderful novel! His newest one, Skeletons at the Feast, is an awesome read. I highly recommend his books to everyone!

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